Hi my name is Jan Vinall MNCS and MHS. I am qualified both as a psychotherapeutic counsellor - and a hypnotherapist.
I am accredited by and a member of the National Counselling Society and the National Hypnotherapy Society. I am on a voluntary register that has been accredited by the Professional Standards
Authority. This register is called The Accredited Voluntary Register which was set up by the Government to improve standards and safety for the benefit of the clients.
Being on this accredited voluntary register demonstrates my commitment to high professional standards, to enhancing safety and delivering a better service to you the client.
Having worked in the caring profession for many years this has prepared me for a second career as a professional counsellor and hypnotherapist. I chose to became a counsellor because of my life
experience and having had counselling in the past I know that therapy can be a positive life changing experience. I am also a volunteer counsellor at a centre for Alcohol & Drug addiction.
I attend regular supervision and Continuing Professional Development in accordance with NSC & NHS codes of practise.
Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling
Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling
Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Counselling skills
Certificate in Counselling skills
Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Theory